Bay Area Chefs Celebrate Local Farmers and the Fall Harvest at Foodwise Sunday Supper
Selina Knowles, Communications Coordinator
October 13, 2022

This Sunday, 30 of the Bay Area’s famously innovative restaurants are coming together to prepare the most unforgettable meal of the year, Foodwise Sunday Supper, a Farm to City Feast. Laurence Jossel, chef at Nopa, says, “We’ve been open for 17 years, and barring the pandemic, I’ve participated in this event every year.” Jossel can be found loyally shopping at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market multiple days of the week to supply his restaurant.
For many chefs, this is not only a tradition of giving back to the community of farmers and ranchers that they depend on, but also a celebration of being able to gather in-person again with fellow chefs and friends in the Bay Area restaurant scene. Foodwise asked a few participating chefs about their connection to local farmers and why they’re joining us at Sunday Supper, as well as what produce they’re looking forward to highlighting on their menu this fall.

Laurence Jossel, Nopa
We’ve been open for 17 years, and barring the pandemic, I’ve participated in this event every year. The tradition stems from wanting to be supportive of such an amazing institution. We’re at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market two or three times a week, we’ve developed lots of relationships with farmers through that market. On a Saturday morning, I’ll visit probably 15 farms, on average. I’m really proud of it. I think it speaks volumes to what our ethos is as a community, as a restaurant community, and even as a city. This is where this is where the food comes from, and I definitely want to be part of that.
Fall favorites on the menu: Winter squash, pomegranates, pears, persimmons, and apples.

David Yoshimura, Nisei
I’ve always tried to support local farms because they have the best products and the best produce. Generally I like to promote them as much as I can. Developing a community between a restaurant, farm, and your customers is extremely important because if you don’t have that relationship, there’s a disconnect between you and the food. Being “food wise” means thinking through your meal from A to Z, from beginning to end, and that starts with the farmer. Participating in the Foodwise Sunday Supper is important to me because it raises more awareness for local farmers.
Fall favorites on the menu: Generally, I like to really go in on chestnuts and persimmons. Those are two of my favorite ones for Japanese cuisine.

Francis Ang, Restaurant Abacá
The Ferry Plaza Farmers Market has always been my inspiration for cooking and creating throughout the years. Food wisdom means understanding what’s in season, where it’s coming from, and what goes with what, whether it be according to season or according to what a farm grows. I spend lots and lots of Saturdays with farmers. Every time we go, my wife and I hang out with Boonie and Tim. We’re like family. This is the place I want to teach the next generation of chefs, to inspire them to support local farmers. This is giving back to the community and making sure that Foodwise and the farmers markets survive.
Fall favorites on the menu: I’m always very excited about the K&J Orchards Asian pears, the different varieties but mostly Shinko. Also, pumpkins from Heirloom Organic Gardens.

Nichole Accettola, Kantine
The farmers market community means a lot to us because without them we would be nothing. It’s essential for us to have that connection to local food and sustainable food. The restaurant industry has taken a big blow during the pandemic, and I look forward to reuniting with some of my colleagues at Foodwise Sunday Supper. We’re celebrating that we can be together again. I also want to support Foodwise and to offer something really special for the people that want to support such a good cause by making a dinner for them.
Fall favorites on the menu: We absolutely love squash of all kinds, so that’s going to be part of our menu item when we’re making the dessert for the Sunday Supper.

Nicole Krasinski, Atomic Workshop Production Co. (State Bird Provisions, The Progress, The Anchovy Bar)
The farmers market is such an important part of our menu building and philosophy of the restaurant. It’s not just about the produce; it’s also about being around people from your city and participating together in supporting farmers who are tending to our land in such an important way. We’ve participated in the Sunday Supper since 2005 or 2006, so it’s a long tradition. Looking towards the future, we want to make sure that this can continue, and that people have access to the healthiest food grown in the healthiest ways for our planet.
Fall favorites on the menu: Fall is my favorite season. You have blackberries, squash, Brussels sprouts, and grapes. Date season is happening, and that’s one of our favorites. When they have like eight different varieties at Flying Disc Ranch, we get really pumped in the pastry kitchen.
Learn more and reserve your seat for Foodwise Sunday Supper: A Farm to City Feast here. Take a look at the event’s online auction, including a dinner for 2 at Nisei and other fabulous dining and recreation experiences.