Intern Spotlight: Bonnie Scott, Jeila Palma, and Naomi Webb
December 9, 2022

As the fall semester wraps up, we thank events intern Bonnie Scott and Foodwise Kids interns Jeila Palma and Naomi Webb. Bonnie led the guest registration efforts for Foodwise Sunday Supper to help support our education programs and lent a hand in the Foodwise office. Jeila and Naomi were essential to serving hundreds of elementary school students at our Foodwise Kids field trips to the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and some of their families at Foodwise Family Cook Nights. Naomi also supported Market to Table cooking demonstrations and our Foodwise Teens programs at the Saturday markets.
“We are so lucky Bonnie chose to intern with Foodwise this fall!” says Partnerships and Events Manager Rebecca Crawbuck. “She managed the important project of coordinating guest registration for our Sunday Supper gala. Her support made a huge impact and helped us meet our fundraising goals. Bonnie’s commitment, thoughtful presence, and organizational skills have made her a crucial part of the team. Bonnie is a true delight to work with and we will miss her!”
“Jeila filled our sessions with laughter,” says Foodwise Kids Coordinator Damaris Bonner. “Between her fruit and veggie doodles on the white board for greeting students, to the giant smile she had while teaching the kids, it was nothing but a delight to have Jeila a part of the team. I can recall her hyping up kale chips as a means to get the students excited for vegetables, which goes to show that her enthusiasm was something the students admired. We’re gonna miss that bubbly energy!”
“Naomi, a.k.a. Ms. Mamas, was truly amazing on the team,” Damaris adds. “She was fantastic with kids and was always ready and willing to do more—one minute she’s leading her group on a tour of the market, the next minute she has the entire classes attention and is teaching them about farmers market vocabulary. It was beautiful to watch the bonds she created students. In addition, it was always a treat to hear about her culinary adventures from school or to look at the pictures of the dishes she made. We’re gonna miss her. “ Meet Bonnie, Jeila, and Naomi.
Foodwise: Where does your interest in food come from?
Jeila: My interest in food came from my family. I always saw my grandparents and mother cooking in the kitchen and how food always brought us together after our busy days.
Naomi: I have loved to cook and eat as long as I can remember. When I was little, we had a big garden, and I loved to help my Mom cook.
Bonnie: My love for all things cooking, baking, and food related come from my grandmother and my mom. I have countless childhood memories of cooking with them and gathering with friends and family over a meal. Recently, I became more interested with food justice and sustainability through my own reading and exploration.
Foodwise: What do you do when you aren’t interning for Foodwise? And how is the pandemic
impacting you?
Jeila: When I am not working with the Foodwise kids program, I am a full-time college student at San Francisco State University. I also have a part-time job at Costco. The pandemic impacted my life drastically since in-person classes converted to online learning. I felt as if I had lost a part of my connections with my community and the outside world.
Naomi: I like to cook and bake, of course! I also enjoy reading and hanging out with my daughters. The pandemic really forced me to use technology more to communicate. Once my classes went remote, I had to learn really fast to use technology as the primary means of communicating with my classmates and teachers.
Bonnie: When I’m not interning for Foodwise, I’m usually exploring San Francisco or trying new recipes!
Foodwise: Why are you choosing to intern with us at this time?
Jeila: I wanted to gain exposure to the realm of non-profit work. I felt like Foodwise’s mission statement aligned with where I want to be with my future career path.
Naomi: As a requirement to graduate from the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Studies program at City College of SF, I had to complete an internship related to the food industry.
Bonnie: I chose to intern with Foodwise because I was inspired by its mission to provide local, sustainable produce to the urban community. I am also interested in learning more about sustainable farming and ways that non-profits like Foodwise are working towards food justice. I have always had a passion for beautiful local produce and supporting global food security. Foodwise felt like the perfect fit for me, and I’ve had the joy of interning for the past three months!
Foodwise: What does Foodwise mean to you?
Jeila: The farmers market community to me means bringing different goods together and sharing them with the public.
Naomi: Having a culture of community around healthy and sustainable food is so important. It gives us a sense of gratitude and pride in the food we eat.
Bonnie: Being the recipient of such a warm welcome from the farmers, returning shoppers, and the Foodwise staff has been a very special experience. It’s a community I’ve grown to love in a short amount of time.
Foodwise: Any favorite farmers market foods or home meal prep tips you want to share?
Jeila: My favorite farmers market foods have to be from Green Thumb Farms. They’re the first vendor that I have seen that sell rainbow carrots and purple kale. I love seeing the varieties of produce at the market that are different from the ones I see in grocery stores.
Naomi: My biggest tip for home cooking is to keep it simple and don’t be afraid to make something new. When you start with really good ingredients, you don’t have to do much to make them taste amazing!
Bonnie: When it’s in season, Lonely Mountain Farm has some of the best heirloom tomatoes I’ve ever had! Go check them out!

Topics: Community, Volunteers and Interns