Tomatoes, Basil, Breadcrumbs
Source: Nigel Slater, Greenfeast: Spring, Summer

Recipe Type: Entrees | Seasons: Autumn, Summer
Sweet summery juices. Crisp green crumbs.
Serves 4
2 cups/40g basil
2 1⁄2 oz/75g fresh white bread
6 tablespoons/90ml olive oil, plus a little more
1 lb 10 oz/750g assorted tomatoes
Put the basil in a food processor with the bread and blend until you have green crumbs. Pour in the olive oil and briefly mix. Set the oven at 400°F/200°C.
Slice the tomatoes thickly, three or four good thick slices from each one, depending on their size. Layer them in a baking dish, seasoning each layer with a little salt, black pepper, and the merest trickle of olive oil. Bake for thirty minutes.
Pile the basil crumbs on top of the tomatoes, press down gently, and bake for another twenty-five minutes. Let rest for fifteen minutes before serving, spooning the juices from the dish over the top as you go.
Reprinted with permission from Greenfeast: Spring, Summer by Nigel Slater, copyright © 2021. Published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Photography copyright: Jonathan Lovekin © 2021.