Last Call for Almanac Beer Co. at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market
April 17, 2024

We’re sad to share that Almanac Beer Co. has decided to transition out of the Saturday Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, as they focus on their operations and growth in the East Bay. Embodying the mantra “Beer is agriculture,” Almanac started popping up at the Ferry Plaza in 2017 with farm-to-barrel craft beers featuring produce from Ferry Plaza farms. Their last day in the market will be Saturday, April 27.
“Long before Almanac Beer became a part of the Saturday Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, they were amazing supporters of many of our farmers,” says Lulu Meyer, Foodwise’s Director of Operations. “They were committed to not only making an excellent brew, but also working with small farms to make seasonality a part of their ethos. This commitment was what inspired us to include them in our weekly lineup, and they have been a customer favorite ever since! It has been amazing to watch them grow and thrive, and they will be sorely missed. We look forward to supporting them in this next chapter on the other side of the Bay.”
Please join us in raising a glass to Almanac and thanking them for their delicious beer and dedication to our farmers market community! Founder Damian Fagan shared this message:
It is the end of a very special era for Almanac. Saturday, April 27, will mark our final appearance at the Foodwise Ferry Plaza Farmers Market in San Francisco. After nearly a decade of amazing Saturday markets, it is time for us to say farewell as we focus our efforts closer to Almanac HQ in the East Bay.
We have been so fortunate to share our craft and ethos with so many people from near and far over these years. We will always be grateful to Foodwise for collaborating with us on this incredible opportunity and for remaining a world-class steward advocating for sustainable, local agriculture. Having our market stand surrounded by so many of the wonderful farmers that have supplied us with fruit and produce over the years has been a true joy and privilege. Chatting about what we do and how we do it with locals and visitors alike will always remain a highlight of Almanac’s journey. We can’t thank Foodwise and the Bay Area community enough for always welcoming us with smiles, good conversation, and of course, Saturday morning cheers!
While we may be saying farewell to the market, this is certainly not goodbye—quite the opposite in fact. We’ve grown significantly over these last years, and we are incredibly proud of the home we’ve created across the bay in Alameda. We are excited to share that we’ll be opening a second taproom in the East Bay this summer—stay tuned for more details or follow us on social media for the details. Additionally, we’ll be partnering with the West Oakland farmers market on Sundays, and over the summer with their night markets as well.
Thank you Bay Area for all of the amazing support over these last seven years! We hope to see everyone across the bay—come say hello and raise a toast!
Damian Fagan
Founder & CEO, Almanac Beer Co.

Topics: Transitions