Calendula Oil
Source: Leanne Tallis, Heirloom Organic Gardens

Recipe Type: Projects | Seasons: Spring, Summer
A clean and dry sterilized jar with lid
Enough fresh calendula flowers to fill your jar ¾ of the way full (or ¼ full if using dried)
Organic olive oil (ideally cold-pressed and extra-virgin)
Roughly chop the flowers and place in the jar. If using fresh calendula, let wilt for 12 hours to remove most of the moisture before adding to the jar (too much moisture will cause the oil to go rancid).
Put the calendula in the jar, then pour in the olive oil, making sure to cover the flowers by at least 1 inch so they will have space to expand. Stir well and cap the jar tightly. Label the jar with the ingredient list and date.
Place the jar in a warm, sunny windowsill and shake once or more per day.
After 4 to 6 weeks, strain the flowers out using cheesecloth. Pour the infused oil into a glass bottle, label the bottle with a name and date of press, and store in a cool dark place. If the oil is stored correctly, it will last about a year. (Be sure to smell the oil before use to check it has not gone rancid.)
Apply topically to any skin issues such as rashes, small cuts, bruises, and dry patches. Calendula oil is safe for babies and may be used in the treatment of diaper rash or cradle cap. Experiment with calendula oil as a replacement for your everyday body lotion!
Farmers Market Ingredients