Volunteer of the Month: Izzy Flint-Gonzales
May 31, 2019

CUESA’s Volunteer of the Month program recognizes the dedication and work of some of our most active volunteers. CUESA relies on volunteers to help with education programs, special events, public outreach, and other activities that help fulfill our mission to cultivate a sustainable food system. Learn more about volunteering and sign up here.
CUESA is occasionally graced with mature high school interns to support our programs. Recommended by a mentor because of her love for food and sustainability, Izzy Flint-Gonzalez joined the CUESA team in March as an Events Intern for her final months of her senior year. She provided support at events like CUESA’s 10th Annual Goat Festival, First Bloom: Spring Cocktails of the Farmers Market, and Summer Bash. She also inspired kids to love fresh fruits and veggies at Foodwise Kids on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Since mid-March “her love for food has only grown!”
“Izzy was a joyful addition to the CUESA team this spring. She supported multiple fundraising events, our youth education programs, and administrative projects, all while brightening the office with her cheerful demeanor,” says Development and Event Coordinator Rebecca Crawbuck. “I was immediately impressed by Izzy’s confidence and enthusiasm, which only grew in her time here. While at CUESA, she shared her talent for design, developed new office skills, and was always interested in opportunities to learn. We are so grateful that Izzy dedicated time and passion into her projects at CUESA and we can’t wait to see what is next for her!” Meet Izzy.
CUESA: Where does your interest in food come from?
Izzy: I grew up with my dad teaching me how to cook and with both of my parents pushing me to be independent. Food is such an important part of being a self-sufficient person!
CUESA: What do you do when you aren’t volunteering for CUESA?
Izzy: When I’m not interning at CUESA, I’m probably petting my dog, drawing, listening to vinyl records, or taking a much needed nap.
CUESA: What is your favorite part about volunteering with CUESA?
Izzy: In all parts of my internship, I feel the most rewarded when I see people happy. The energy and happiness that comes from people during an event is contagious. Seeing a kid excited to try food they’ve made on their own brings me back to being an excited kid. Seeing my fellow volunteers and coworkers happy with what we’ve done as a team makes all the work so worth it.
CUESA: Do you have an insider market tip or a favorite produce item at the market right now?
Izzy: Cherries are now in the market! Cherries remind me of summer road trips and red-stained fingers, so get your little dose of nostalgia in the market before they’re gone!
Topics: Volunteers and Interns