City Bees

Robert MacKimmie
The bee hives are installed in backyards, gardens, and parks in 35 sites throughout the Bay Area. Many of the hives are located in the backyards of San Francisco residents who host the bees in exchange for honey. Robert calls his bees “free range livestock” that roam the city as they please.
Coming from a background in fine art photography, Robert got hooked on beekeeping in 1996 after working with beekeepers Spencer and Helene Marshall of Marshall’s Farm Natural Honey. His passion turned into a full-time career as an urban apiarist in 2009. Each neighborhood has its own microclimate and vegetation that contribute to the diversity of flavors that emerge in City Bees’ honeys. Robert finds great reward in working with such intelligent creatures and plans to be a honey bee steward for life.
Pollinator Partnership Bee Friendly Farming Certified