
Also known as the shaddock, Bali lemon, or Chinese grapefruit, the pomelo is a large, Southeast Asian citrus that is usually pale green or yellow in color when ripe. The flesh is sweeter than its ancestor, the grapefruit, but the skin and outer membrane are equally bitter. The skin is often used to make marmalades or candy confections dipped in chocolate.
Pomelos were first grown in China around 100 BC. The trees grow between 20 and 40 feet tall and produce fuzzy leaves and white blossoms, much like orange trees. In the wild, pomelos can weigh up to 25 pounds. Pomelos tend to prefer warm climates and most US-based production occurs in Florida and California.
Unlike grapefruit, pomelos cannot be eaten with a spoon. It is best to discard the rind first by making four slices lengthwise (without cutting into the flesh) and then peel the rest by hand.